
Morning Burst

For those that may be tuning in for the first time, I am Joe shutter: a blogger and photographer based in Iceland. 

I pass on what I learn out here through my  tailor-made photo workshops and tutorials. They can be as long or as short as my clients need them to be, and I always go the extra ten miles (or ten hours) to get the shots and get off the beaten track wherever possible.  

If you are interested in a photo workshop/tutorial in Iceland, pleas contact me through my email ( ) or through my Instagram handle @joe_shutter . 

Each post on my blog describes a different "stop" that I make through my various journeys throughout Iceland, capturing the essence of the moment though portraits, landscapes and detail shots. Below tells the (short story) story of an installment of a journey with Frank from Rock Scissors Taper .

We woke up in the morning in a freezing church, which doubled as a hostel. It was a unique experience, and really good fun, if you don't mind the novelty of waking up with every part of you that is not encased in sleeping bag being freezing. We took it all in good spirit, and I signed the guestbook before leaving.  

We set off somewhat late, as we usually did. As we continued to follow Route 1, lightitng was quite flat for the first few shots, and then suddenly there was an incredible, violent burst of sunshine from the east. We know what we had to do. Here are the results. 

Photography by Joe Shutter and Rock Scissors Taper

For your enjoyment,

Joe Shutter

End of day 1: Vik

To tie up day one of our road trip, we made a short stop at Vik, with its iconic sea stack. As the sun sank below the horizon at Dyrhóleay in the last, we stopped to enjoy the magic hour in Vik, embers of the golden, low sun and the rich blues from the sea and horizon. I included both sides of the cliff, for context.


Photography by Joe Shutter and Rock Scissors Taper

For your enjoyment,

Joe Shutter